"*G*rief! *D*on't! *P*anic! *R*elax ..."

We're already seeing lots of churches work out how to implement their GDPR documents and do their audit. Software systems that are used by churches have been a big part of this, but are being implemented differently and with various approaches that are proving unhelpful for some.

First, please don't panic. 25th May is the day when legislation comes into place, but practically May 26th will feel very much like May 25th and May 24th. Armageddon has not arrived, but an obligation to be looking after our data well and with good, accountable, stewardship, has arrived.

By now, you should have:

  • read through a guide to GDPR (see our excellent article by logging into your UCAN MyChurchSuite account and clicking on the GDPR tab.
  • done a data audit through your office systems, and down through any teams or delegated groups that are delivering ministry in the church
  • worked out how you would practically deliver a request for removal or viewing of the data you hold
  • think through how you can engage with members of the congregation(s) to positively see what you hold on their behalf - it's an excellent opportunity to talk about accountability, ask about being part of a small group or serving team, and whether the gift-aid record for them is correct.
  • Diary an annual review to check that what you think is in place is still in place, and that this audit reconnects/reminds people who may be holding data on behalf of your church.

Going forwards, operating GDPR compliance and requests has a similar workload and responsibility to safeguarding. It is your responsibility to make sure that you have the documentation under review each year, the processes running and reported to the senior management/pastors of your church, and ensuring that gaining people's explicit consent for their contact/personal information to be stored within your records is happening for each new person coming into your church congregation.

If you need help, please contact us - you are not alone.

Taunton Deane and Area Local Group

The group met on 21st March to say thank you and farewell to Ruth Cook who has very ably led the Taunton Deane group for the last number of years.  

The only issue discussed was the new GDPR regulations coming in shortly and the impact on records currently being held, particularly for pastoral reasons.  We all seem to have been given differing advice so this topic will continue to be relevant and on agendas at future meetings.

Ruth thanked everyone present for their support and expressed the hope the group will continue to meet as it is a valued source of fellowship and support for those involved in church administration.  On behalf of UCAN we thank Ruth for all her hard work in setting up the local group, keeping it running and wish her all the best for her future.  

Area Training Days - Book now!

As you will know from previous UCAN News Updates we are currently on our third series of Area Training Days with the theme of 'Administration: biblical and creative'.  The dates for the Spring are as follows:

  • 17th April at Orangefield Presbyterian, Belfast;
  • 2nd May at King's House Conference Centre, Manchester:
  • 15th May at St Michael's, Stoke Gifford.

Each day will run from 9.30am to 3.30pm and includes lunch and training materials.  John Truscott will delivering the training and we are grateful to UCAN member churches hosting us at each venue.

These days offer training relevant to your role as a Church Administrator and the opportunity to network with others working in similar positions to yours within a region.  The can give you great encouragement as well as new insights into your work.  Your attendance encourages others, especially those working in lonely positions.

Full details and booking are available on the website and we look forward to seeing you at one of the Area Training Days.