We bid a sad farewell to Isabel Willerton, who passes the baton over to Andy Bagwell and Julian Mander temporarily…
Shaken not stirred
'Set my leaders free!'
'A church policies checklist'
Draw your margin
Cutting Edge Residential - 2019
When you need to 'dig' a little deeper
The UCAN network is a great place for mutual support, sharing of ideas and encouraging best practice between members. We know this is a huge help as each of us tackle issues and challenges in our churches.
You may find from time to time that there are specific challenges or projects within your own church context that would benefit from some external eyes or input. Perhaps you're considering a staff restructure, a new post for recruitment, a technical system migration or a governance review. You may simply not have the capacity within your existing team to take on that one extra thing you're desperate to do. Over many years, through our network of consultants, UCAN has been able to match churches with the external support that they need.
A testimonial from one of our consultancy projects reads:
"It was a real blessing to meet with a UCAN consultant and I personally found it hugely encouraging to talk through my work and the needs of the church. UCAN's input and wisdom at this time was a real answer to prayer and just what we needed to move forward."
We have developed a consultancy service to help at these times. We have a network of consultants with particular skills and experience in a wide range of areas that may benefit churches and administrators.
Consultancy is offered at discounted rates to UCAN members and bespoke quotations are available upon enquiry. If you have a need and would like to talk further, please contact us at info@churchadministrators.net