Foundations and celebration

Foundations and celebration

At home, we’ve just secured planning for a small garden room extension on the back of the house. My husband is an architect and I’ve had the luxury of not having to get involved in the design work or the planning process, for which I’m VERY grateful. But now the preparation for foundation laying is underway I have no choice but to get involved! Suffice to say the house is a little fuller and messier downstairs and the garden looks like the beginnings of a building site (sigh)…

Cutting Edge 2019 Resources now available

Content from the Cutting Edge conference has now been uploaded to the UCAN resources area. All members can now access the content once you’ve logged in to your account. Just follow the link to “Online Resources (dropbox)” and head for the Cutting Edge Conference folders. Your login also gives you Soundcloud streaming of all the keynote talks.

Designed for operational staff of larger churches, we tackled the difficulties of making the instruction to us all in Matthew 28 change from a vision to a reality.
Three key strands are focused on - looking at the healthy combination of systems, people and strategy that make it all possible.  The UK church is in a pivotal period where tools and know-how are making things possible that have never been available to use before, but which mean that pastoral sensitivity and careful implementation are all the more important. 

Workshops covered GDPR, volunteers, buildings for mission, and how to completely change the way your church finances may work.

A new thing

A new thing

I have recently taken my senior management team at work through a Belbin assessment. If you’re not familiar with the tool it can be a useful way of identifying the strengths and contributions that individuals bring to a team. Try and identify your own profile if you haven’t ‘been Belbin’d’!