If your church employs paid staff the Trustees are legally responsible for their selection, employment and management. But most Trustees fail to appreciate this. So the advice here is to appoint a specialist group to take on this role on behalf of the legal employers as delegated responsibility.
Living Water
“It is hopeless”; “We’re never going to be able to recover from this”; “I can’t see the way through”
Even if those are words you haven’t actually uttered out loud over the last 12months, perhaps you - or others you work alongside in your team - have silently listened to those thoughts surface in minds and hearts.
God is used to it when his people get to this place. Sometimes, it is ONLY when we get to this place that He can step in and transform a situation and transform us. If we cannot see the answer or the next step forwards, it means we’re finally trusting completely on God rather than being ‘god’ of our own plans.
New Wine’s content platform and UCAN join forces
Cutting Edge 2021 has gone digital for this year
Virtual ROUNDTABLE this week
Subscriptions have just had an upgrade!
Daniel Speaks to us in captivity
Have you considered that the church is in captivity at present?
Compared to this time last year, we have been uprooted and taken to a foreign land, been prevented from gathering for worship and being community together, and have had to adapt to a strange socially-distanced, infection-resistant way of living that we yearn to leave behind.
The book of Daniel follows the positioning of a faithful follower of God in the midst of enforced captivity.
This is a very timely message to us right now.
Cutting Edge 2021: ‘Thriving in Change’
Is there a better time than this to ‘thrive in change?’ That’s the theme of our 2021 residential conference and we can’t wait to be together. Of course, the pandemic lockdown rules themselves are constantly changing and there is a lot of uncertainty remaining. Our conference team is working hard behind-the-scenes to help us get together, even if the shape or timing of the conference has to change.