Next Steps: Effective Workflows

Have you ever thought about what workflows are required to support effective church functions? We may be keen to integrate our newcomers, but does this ‘just happen’? Is there a shortage of volunteers or are we not that good at helping people volunteer? If people want to start giving financially, have we made it clear and easy?

In February 2022, we were pleased to host a webinar exploring the use of effective workflows to underpin these areas of common church functionality.

If you missed it, you can check out the recording here:

On Our bikes, but not alone!

On Our bikes, but not alone!

“I’ll meet you at the end of the tunnel. Just keep heading towards the light and I’ll wait for you there”.

Words of encouragement from my teenage son as he sped off and left me at the mouth of a long and very dark tunnel. I’d already endured the many ‘family jokes’ as I had tentatively mounted a bike for the first time in almost 4 decades a few minutes earlier. “Do you need stabilisers Mum?” “Shall we run alongside you and catch you as you fall off?” I’d put on a fairly convincing show so far and they thought that I had conquered it, and I’d be fine if they went on ahead.

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