In recent months we’ve been helping several churches in the UCAN network with their mission, strategy, and activity alignment. Time and again in UCAN, we come across churches that have inspiring mission statements, and committed, hard-working staff, volunteers and congregations serving their church and community with love. It is wonderful to see. But this isn’t always the case. find out more here
UCAN Membership - Annual Price Increase
UCAN Online Resources
UCAN Area Training Days - Amplify your Impact
Our Area Training Days ‘tour’ is up and running and going well. It was great to meet those of you who came to the Surrey ATD in Guildford last week, and good to see UCAN members taking the opportunity to network, receive training input and invest in themselves. Take a look here for some comments from the day and to find out about future events.
UCAN Local Groups
Cutting Edge 23: More with Less
Celebrating the Grace of God at Work
In the last few months, I’ve become a member of the 3am club.
If you’re not familiar with it, it’s a crazy group of people across the UK who wake up at 3am to watch American Football. And mad though it may be, there’s something uplifting about watching it. The celebrations… but how do we celebrate in church…