UCAN Members dived in together!

We've teamed up with our friends at ChurchSuite to provide every member with online access straight into the heart of the UCAN network.

We sent a personal invitation to every member church across the network, to set up a password and be able to connect in.

(Did you miss your invite? - e-mail isabel.willerton@churchadministrators.net for a replacement)

You can log in direct via the link on the new website and download the ChurchSuite App direct to your Android or Apple device from your device's store. If you're already familiar with the ChurchSuite interface, your app will allow you to seamlessly switch between your own church's interface and ours.

Once inside, you'll find all sorts of goodies - like the details of events (and you can book online too!), recordings and resources from previous conferences, and our on-line database of articles. You can quickly search for contact details of someone else you may have met in the network, and see local groups who may be near you. At any time, you can update your account and communications preferences with us - and lots of administrators have already been eagerly uploading their profile pictures to help us recognize each other when we next meet.

We've received great feedback so far, and are always happy to hear from you as we serve the church together.