Photo from trophystore
I’m a Strictly Come Dancing fan. There I’ve said it, and this newsletter is ‘out there’ so I can’t take it back. My teenage son will be groaning in embarrassment that I’ve put this in the public domain!
I know I’m not alone and will be joined by millions of others voting on finale night to see our favourite contestant lift that famous glitterball trophy. That BIG win feels like the all important one, but the path to the finale is a series of small wins - personal moments of courage and intensive training; of trying steps and lifts again and again. Importantly, the big win only happens if they don’t give up when they’re find it difficult.
You may not be waltzing around your church office today (!), but are you celebrating your small wins? The small steps you’re taking and the courage you’re showing is something your Father God is celebrating.
Or are you on the brink of giving up? Is it hard to imagine yourself able to keep going right now?
You’re not alone – throughout history God helps his people when they’re struggling.
Paul writes to the church at Phillipi to encourage them in their struggles against external opposition and internal leadership and community tensions. In Chapter 3, following some personal testimony he reminds them of the ‘big win’ – eternal relationship with Father, through salvation from Jesus. And he reminds them to keep their eyes on Jesus as they press ahead, fulfilling their calling until they see God face to face.
Not that I have already attained or have already been perfected, but I follow after it so that I may lay hold of that for which I was seized by Christ Jesus. 13 Brothers, I do not count myself to have attained, but this one thing I do, forgetting those things which are behind and reaching forward to those things which are ahead, I press toward the goal to the prize of the high calling of God in Christ Jesus. (Philippians 3:12-14 MEV)
Let’s hear this encouragement today. Whether in your church administration role, your personal discipleship, or both – keep going. Keep looking to Jesus. He’ll guide you; he’ll train you. He’ll help you with the steps you need to take and with the lifting you need to do (as heavy as it may feel).
You may have a big work goal or project you’re working towards, and the going feels hard right now. You may be facing something personally challenging and perhaps a ‘win’ in that area will be just surviving it in one piece.
Jesus knows and Jesus is present with you as you keep looking to him and you keep pressing ahead.
If you’re making progress – well done. If anything today is in better shape than it was yesterday because of your contribution, then please stop and smile for a moment. Feel the smile of heaven. Celebrate the small win. Celebrate the difference you’ve made. Your Father God is seeing and celebrating it with you. And he’s loving and celebrating you.
When you get to the end of today, I hope that you’ll be able to reflect and think ‘I spent my day well, guided by the presence of Jesus’. I pray that you’ll look at the small wins, and the difference you’ve made – whether to one person, or to one task.
Celebrate your small wins, and keep going, keep pressing ahead. Jesus is our master dance partner, and trainer. Let’s enjoy the daily dance with him…..and let him teach, train and lead us.
And if you can – don’t forget to relax into his leading and try and hear and enjoy the music he’s put into your life too. Doesn’t Scripture tell us the Lord rejoices over us with singing. Enjoy hearing that song today.
The Lord your God is in your midst,
a Mighty One, who will save.
He will rejoice over you with gladness,
He will renew you with His love,
He will rejoice over you with singing. (Zephaniah 3:17)
For you,
Jules Morgan
UCAN Executive Director