Photo by Jocelyn Moralis on Unsplash
Honey. It’s got to be honey. Not marmalade, chocolate spread, marmite, or any variety of jam. Honey on toast is my go-to first choice. Every time. There’s something about the unique combination of richness and sweetness that can’t be rivalled in my eyes. It’s a beautiful taste!
So, whilst sitting in our 6pm church worship service a couple of weeks ago I was wondering if it was just a slightly rumbly tumbly (to quote Pooh Bear!) and visions of my favourite snack that was causing my focus on this verse from Psalms:
“How sweet are your words to my taste; sweeter than honey to my mouth”
(Psalm 119:103)
It wouldn’t leave me, so I started praying and reading the context of the verse, and then remembered how a recent cold virus had changed the taste of honey for me for a while. Viruses can do that – the combination of a stuffed-up head and changes to taste bud perceptions dull what we normally enjoy and savour. We can take things to mask those symptoms as best as we can of course, but ultimately it’s only when we’re healed from the viral infection that things return to normal.
Musing on these thoughts, I heard the Holy Spirit whisper that many of us serving Him faithfully in His church are ‘infected with disappointment’ and He’s longing to sweep that away and heal us. We can’t currently fully taste and enjoy the sweetness of His word that the Psalmist gives testament to whilst we’re fighting this infection.
Scripture might seem ‘dull’ compared to the sharpness and lightness it used to carry for us. Prayer may feel hard work. We all go through seasons like these of course, but I felt compelled to pray right now for anyone in UCAN carrying a deep disappointment that’s infected your soul. That disappointment might be with church, with a specific person (or people), with yourself perhaps, or even with God.
If this resonates with you as you read, reach out to your loving Saviour Jesus who wants to heal you and rid you of that infection of disappointment. It’s almost impossible to carry the weight of church administration work if you’re already struggling under the soul weight of disappointment.
It’s ok for us to acknowledge the pain, anger and whatever else we need to be honest about that’s infected our emotions and thoughts. Bring it to God and perhaps talk and pray it out with those you trust. We can symptom mask - and that often feels easier - but it’s only when we allow Jesus to work and heal the underlying infection that we can move on and enjoy all our spiritual senses again.
May you know God’s deep healing, and restoration as you bring that disappointment to Him.
May you know again the sweetness of God’s words to you, through Scripture, through revelation from the Holy Spirit and through the myriad of ways your loving Father God speaks to you.
Whist the message of the Gospel is like marmite – some love it and some hate it – I pray that your personal experience of Jesus will be like honey – rich, sweet, and giving you enough energy to manage what you have before you today.
For you,
Jules Morgan
UCAN Executive Director