In our latest article, UCAN Board Director Jules shares how when things get stressful, and you begin to feel a sense of becoming overwhelmed the ‘Controlling the Controllables’ tool from GiANT can be a helpful resource to put things into perspective.
The Importance of People
How Well Do You Prioritise?
In just a short time it will be Good Friday when we will be remembering, once again, the ultimate sacrifice that Jesus made for us. And one of the most moving parts of the Good Friday story for me is that of Jesus praying in the Garden of Gethsemane, just before he is arrested.
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Heart Syncing
Do you ever find that it’s the moments when you’ve run out of time and are already late that your computer seems to sense it? Ok, perhaps this is mild paranoia on my part, but on occasion I think ‘they’ know I’m in a rush and slow down intentionally to teach me patience. Take yesterday as an example. Already pushed for time and sitting waiting for files to sync with my OneDrive it felt like the laptop clicked into ‘slow mode’ just at that very moment!
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Behold, I am doing a new thing. Can you perceive it?
As on many days, my Lectio 365 app provided the right Bible passage for prompt, encouragement and challenge, on the specific day I needed to hear it. As I sit in a church centre café this morning (4th January 2024), starting to write my last UCAN mailing article as a Director, this passage from Isaiah 43 greeted me.
“Remember not the former things, nor consider the things of old. Behold, I am doing a new thing; now it springs forth, do you not perceive it?”
In a season of newness, transition and change, God is ever present, ever sovereign, and ever Good. More about this in this article…